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International Conference “Development Perspectives of Tourism in Georgia and Strategic Objectives”

Georgian National Tourism Administration of Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development is pleased to announce that International Student Conference “Development Perspectives of Tourism in Georgia and Strategic Objectives” will be held on April 27, 2017.
The conference is open to bachelor, master and doctoral students of accredited universities in Georgia and abroad. Students from vocational institutions can also participate. Presented topic should focus on the following strategic objectives:
1. Expand public and private sector investment in the tourism sector;
2. Improve the business environment to facilitate increased visitation and foreign and domestic investment;
3. “High quality experience” to attract higher spending markets, through increased and more effective marketing and promotion; stimulate domestic tourism;
4. Enhance competitiveness, through delivery of world-class visitor services;
5. Create unique and authentic visitor experiences centered on Georgia’s natural and cultural assets;
6. Respect, preserve, and enhance Georgia’s natural and cultural heritage;
7. Expand and enhance data collection and analysis and measurement of industry performance;
8. Build partnerships between government, industry, non-governmental organizations, and communities.

Key dates and deadlines:
March 15: Deadline for submission of the abstracts (1-2 pages)
March 20: Selection of the abstracts
April 5: Deadline for submission of the final papers (5-10 papers)
April 20: Selection of the best papers
April 27: Presentations

Papers and abstracts should be sent to the following e-mail: tourismconference@gnta.ge
Further details can be found at: www.gnta.ge/conferencewww.facebook.com/gntaconference

Visitors: 13732

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