იაკობ გოგებაშვილის სახელობის
თელავის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი

Student Behavior Rules during the Examination Period

Student Behavior Rules during the Examination
1. The student must arrive to the examination place in accordance with the schedule indicated in the exam timetable. In case of arriving late because of having objective reasons the student is admitted to the examination, though no extra time will be granted to him/her.
P.S. In case of existing objective reasons (being on a mission at different cultural, scientific, sport measurements from the University; health-related problems, natural calamities) the student has a right to appeal to the faculty plenipotentiary person for applying to the Examination Centre in order to be admitted to the individual examination.
2. The student must have a permit issued by the faculty: a copy of ID card with the dean’s seal.
Otherwise the student won’t be admitted to the examination. P.S. This point is stopped.
3. Taking any things into the examination is forbidden except for a pen, water and things necessary for health. The student will put unnecessary things at the place pointed by the lecturer/invigilator; otherwise he/she will be dismissed from the examination.
4. None of the things should be placed on the table, except for student’s card/ID card, pen, water and things necessary for health.
5. In case of finding any other paper on the table the student will be warned, in case of any other infringements after beginning the examination the student will be dismissed.
6. The student must check the examination paper and in case of any damages he/she must appeal to the invigilator. After beginning the examination such kind of claim won’t be accepted.
7. The examination questions must be written on special examination papers given by the invigilator with a blue pen. Otherwise, the work won’t be corrected.
8. The student mustn’t open the examination ticket until the examination timer won’t be turned on. Maximal duration of the final, repeated, left teaching course examination is 2 hours, and the duration of the mid-term examination doesn’t exceed 2 academic hours (if another time isn’t indicated on the examination ticket under the lecturer’s demand).
9. Inquiries regarding the content of the examination questions won’t be answered. In case of having procedural and technical questions the student must appeal to the lecturer/invigilator.
10. Conversation during the examination process is forbidden. The student will be warned in case of having a talk with another one, but he/she will be dismissed from the examination in case of repeating the similar or another type of contraventions.
11. Turned-on mobile phones or other electronic appliances are forbidden at the examination, as well as using things containing the information related to the examination questions. In that case the student will be warned and dismissed from the examination in case of repeating the similar contraventions.
12. Any other contraventions of discipline will become the basis for dismissing.
13. 15 minutes earlier before the examination time limit the invigilator notifies students about this. Those works of the students, who won’t stop writing after running the time limit, won’t be corrected.
14. The student must give the examination ticket and papers to the lecturer/invigilator after finishing the work and sign the register of receiving-handing examination works.
P.S. The second point of the annex #2 – “student must present a permit issued by the faculty: a copy of ID card with the dean’s seal. Otherwise the student won’t be admitted to the examination.” (is stopped).


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